When Apple release a new piece of technology, their reputation has lead consumers to believe that the hardware and software will be upgraded from previous models. This expectation is one that has lead to a few people feeling let down by the iPad mini. It is not a bad device, but the hardware is substantially similar to that of the iPad 2 that was released in March 2011. It seems to be a smaller version of last year’s model, and this has disappointed some Apple fans – especially the people who already own an iPad 2.

What has been changed?
The most noticeable differences (if we do not count the size is the updates on the camera and connectivity. The screen is small which means that the resolution is not very high. The price is lower than the iPad classic, but not by such a significant amount that it will have Android and Windows customers throwing away their tablets to replace them with an Apple device.
The remarkable build quality
The first time you use the iPad mini you will immediately realize the excellent build quality. This extends to the materials used and how the size and weight is extremely smaller than the larger iPad. Many people feel that the classic iPad is impossible to keep in one hand for a long period of time because of the size and weight of it. Thanks to the ergonomics of the iPad Mini, it is easier to grasp and the lightness allows you to hold it for long sessions.
In terms of performance the fourth-generation iPad is certainly higher up the food chain, but to date there are very few games that exploit the increased power of the fourth-generation iPad. There has been very few online review that cast playing games on the iPad mini in a bad light.
The same goes for the other applications, as well as the operating system itself. As always the iPad (and iPad mini) has a very tight integration between all of its components, and the navigation is always smooth and never slows down, even though the randomly available memory forces you to reload more applications than the new iPad (but one expects better functionality with the newer iPads).
The screen resolution is not as good as 3rd or 4th generation iPads
It is undeniable that if you move from a 3rd or 4th generation iPad onto an iPad mini that the impact of the screen of the iPad Mini is unsettlingly negative. The resolution, definition and the colors are worse. If however you are upgrading from an iPad 2, Kindle Fire or a lower end tablet, this negative phenomenon is virtually absent.
The battery life
The upgraded screens of the later iPads seem to have negatively affected their battery life. This is why the later iPads are heavier, because Apple increased the battery size to compensate. Given that the iPad mini has a similar screen-picture quality/resolution to the iPad 2; it also seems to have retained its battery life capacity–without the upgraded battery.
The iPad mini can run on full power for longer than most larger tablets, which was expected by Apple fans, since the screen is smaller (so there is less to power). Obviously there are some compromises, such as the interface elements such as buttons and fonts are smaller and in some applications it is more noticeable than in others. This means that some users may find themselves using the zoom function more than with the larger iPad.
Writing on the iPad mini
The keyboard has similar qualities and defects to the larger version of the iPad; however it is a little easier to write in portrait mode due to the weight being lower and the buttons being more accessible. All parts of the screen are easily accessible and the screen is of an adequate size to play games too.